Since the invention of the internet, news websites, social media and the Kindle, word on the street is that print is dead. Some corporations have solely embraced electronic methods of advertising, but it doesn’t mean print is ready for the coffin lid to be lowered. There are distinct benefits for opting using print as a method of communicating with your prospective and regular client So let’s take a look some at the reasons you shouldn’t be putting the print method of marketing out to pasture before its time is up.

Print vs electronic

If you’ve ever received an electronic birthday card from a friend in lieu of printed one they’ve made themselves or purchased from a newsagent, you’ll know the feeling of feeling a bit ripped off. Despite telling yourself it’s the thought that counts, you can’t help but feel like you’ve been cheated. You can’t hold it in your hands, display it on your fridge or mantelpiece. You can’t put it in your shoebox of memories and pull it out years down the track to reminiscence. Print is tangible. You can touch it, hold it, smell it and keep it as a memento. When you think about print advertising for instance, a half page advertisement in Cleo magazine may sit around someone’s bedroom for years, while an advertisement on the internet, may not even be seen unless an individual types exact keyword searches into Google. And on the off chance someone gets your ad popping up on their computer screen, they may not even click on it for fear of inadvertently downloading a virus. You can’t infect your entire computer system by reading a print ad.

Reaching a captive audience

Print is a good way of making sure you reach your intended audience. For example: if you have a business specialising in home décor with magazines like House & Garden and Vogue Living, you have a captive audience. Independent studies have shown people pay more attention when they are reading printed material. The average person spends about 15 seconds scanning website material so unless they are actively seeking information, you’ve may have already lost their attention by the time they see your ad.

Less competition

With more companies moving to electronic forms of advertising can be advantageous to your company. With less businesses vying for print space in publications, it means there is less competition. Your ad will stand out more, and you will find that newspapers and magazines may even offer discount rates for ad space, if they are short of advertisers.

Printing is still alive and well

You can’t hand out a digital ad at a trade show, you can’t pass on an electronic business card for a customer to keep in their wallet. People want printed menus when they go out for dinner, magazines they can flick through on the bus when they don’t have wi-fi signal. You might think print has one foot in the grave, but there are plenty of options when print marketing is superior to electronic methods.

Talk to XDesigns Advertising today to find out how they can transform your business with print advertisements.