It can be challenging to determine what constitutes good web design. Some self-taught, unskilled web designers may try to win your business by making false promises and offering lower quotes than professional advertising agencies.

However, selecting the cheapest option can result in subpar results that end up costing you thousands of dollars in the long run. In this article, (to help you make informed decisions during your next meeting with a web designer) we're uncovering the truth and debunking common myths about website design you need to know.

Myth #1: Website design needs to look amazing with all the bells and whistles

One of the most common myths about website design is that all you need is an amazing design to attract visitors and convert them into customers. Aesthetics are certainly important, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. A website with mind-blowing 3D graphics that's hard to navigate, slow to load, or doesn't have the right content won't convert traffic into paying customers. Instead, focus on creating a website that's easy to use and provides real value to your visitors. This means making sure your website is fast, mobile-friendly, and all the information your audience is looking for within 1-2 clicks.

Myth #2: RIP SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Despite what some people may tell you, SEO is not dead. In fact, it's more important than ever. Search engines such as Google are constantly updating their algorithms to provide the best possible search results for their users. SEO is always evolving, and staying up to date with the latest best practices is imperative.

Myth #3: Social Media is the only way to get traffic

Social media is an important part of any online marketing strategy, but it's not the only way to get traffic to your website. In fact, relying solely on social media can be risky. Social media platforms can change their algorithms at any time, which can lead to a sudden drop in traffic. They can also simply disappear—is anyone still on MySpace?

Instead of relying on Social Media Marketing, focus on building a well-rounded marketing strategy that includes a mix of social media, SEO, email marketing and traditional advertising methods (printed brochures, outdoor advertising, pull-up banners etc.). This will help ensure you have a steady flow of traffic to your website, even if one of your marketing channels experiences a setback.

Myth #4: You need to have a blog

Blogging can be a great way to provide value to your audience and improve your SEO, but it’s more important to get other aspects of your website design sorted first. If you don't have the time or resources to maintain a regular blog, that's okay. Instead, focus on creating other types of content, such as videos or podcasts, that your audience will find valuable.

Myth #5: Your website is a one-time investment

Building a website is not a one-time investment. In order to keep your website running smoothly and effectively, you need to invest time and resources into maintaining and updating it.

This means regularly checking for broken links, and plug-ins, updating your content, and making sure your website is secure from privacy breaches. It also means keeping up with the latest trends and technologies so your website doesn't become outdated. For example; some website designers use pre-purchased themes in Wordpress. After all, if someone has designed a template similar to what your client wants, why reinvent the wheel? However, Sometimes, the creators of these themes stop updating them to be compatible with the latest software and internet browser, which creates huge problems you’ll need your web designer to fix.

Myth #6: You can build a website in a day

There are many website builders out there that claim you can build a website in a day or less. While it's true that these builders can help you create a website quickly, they often come with limitations. For example, If you rush the process of creating a website, you may encounter limitations in terms of features and functionality, and there could be a higher chance of errors. It's better to seek assistance from a professional web designer who can build a customised website tailored to your requirements.

Myth #7: Anyone can build a website

While it's true that anyone can build a website, building a successful website that drives traffic and converts visitors into customers requires a certain level of expertise. If you're not familiar with web design, SEO, and online marketing, it's important to find an advertising agency. Don’t forget to ask for previous work examples and references before hiring any web designer.

Myth #8: Stock photos are taboo

Although we encourage using original images, not every company has the resources for a photoshoot. Incorporating stock photos into your website can be a good option. It's important to note some stock photos may have been used by other companies, which could negatively impact their associations with the image. Try to select unique stock photos to avoid any unwanted connotations. It’s also better to have professional-looking stock photos as opposed to settling for your own badly lit or pixelated photos.

Myth #9: The more features, the better

One common myth about website design is that more features always equate to a better experience. It can be tempting to cram as many bells and whistles as possible onto your site, but the truth is that less is often more. Image sliders, carousels, and video links may seem like a great idea, but they can actually clutter your site and detract from the user experience. In fact, excessive features can lead to a high bounce rate, with nearly 90% of visitors leaving your site. A clear and concise design that effectively conveys your message is often the best approach.

Myth #10: Website audits are so 1997

Some people believe that conducting a website audit is a waste of time, but this couldn't be further from the truth. It's essential to have an expert test and review your site thoroughly to identify any weaknesses and determine how to enhance its quality. By evaluating which features are most effective in reaching your target audience, you will learn where your website needs optimising to increase conversions, generate leads, and collect data more efficiently in the future.

Myth #11: You don’t need a mobile-friendly website

Some webmasters still believe that having a mobile version of their site is unnecessary. They may assume that mobile devices like tablets, smartphones, and netbooks don't account for a significant portion of the traffic. However, this is a myth. In reality, over 40% of web users access sites on their mobile devices more frequently than on desktops or laptops. Moreover, Google now considers mobile responsiveness a critical factor in website indexing. Without a mobile-friendly version of your site, you could miss out on a significant number of potential customers. To ensure your site is accessible to all users, it's essential to hire a web agency that prioritises mobile responsiveness. Don't risk burying your site in obscurity by ignoring this crucial aspect of web design.

Ready to take your web design to the next level?

Contact XDesigns today and let us help you create an effective and memorable website that will elevate your brand and turn browsers into loyal customers. Don't wait, let's start creating together!